Ginger – Lemon Tea (tip for the winter)

When it gets cold and gray outside, then its time forkeeping your home warm, dry and cosy.

<pre class=”tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-small” dir=”ltr”  data-placeholder=”Übersetzung” data-fulltext=””>Then is a warm tea just right, the warming from the inside leaves a cozy feeling cozy. What could be better suited than the spices remodel to a tea. Ginger is particularly well suited.

Recipe for an Ginger – Lemon Tea:
Ginger into pieces scheniden. Squeeze lemon
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend for 5 minutes. Let stand briefly, through a fine sieve, squeeze it well and refrigerate. Consume the syrup until the next day, fresh tastes it best.
Fill each glass with 5 tbsp ginger – lemon syrup and hot water . Garnish with lemon wedge one.

You need:
50 g fresh ginger , peeled
3 lemons (120 ml juice)
6 tablespoons sugar
8 tablespoons holunder sirup
4 tablespoons water

Perfect served with the Tea-Set “KOOKII FOR TEA“ with porcelain and bamboo.



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